Tuesday, July 12, 1988 ̶ a usual school day for a group of friends to bond and spend the day. Unknowingly though, this was also the same day that conceived ANTIGO, a mountaineering organization that was pioneered by the same group of friends. With six (6) Bicol University engineering students-Laurence Cervantes, Gerson Flores, Francis Bordonada, Romark Duran, Venhur Randy Burce, Zaldy Berello-and one (1) Aquinas University tourism student; Jay Coralde, ANTIGO was born.

Everything started from ANTIGO members’ mountain climbing hobby. Almost all of them came from the 1st district of Albay ̶ Tabaco City. Their love for mountain climbing actually run in their blood for it was their “kuyas” and older friends who influenced and passed them the passion for hiking. Eventually though, from ANTIGO, the org’s name was changed and was baptized as BURABOD; the Bicol University Realm of Altitude-Based Outdoor Descendants. What has started from just a mere hobby turned out to be their love and treasured sport.
BURABOD members were called “descendants” because of the first mountaineering org that was established in Bicol University; the BU ORG. At present, BURABOD has two (2) branches: the school-based which is also known as BURABOD Frontiers and the alumni. There are only five (5) from the original members that are still active in the org at present. They are now part of the BURABOD ALUMNI. There are 11 members for the alumni branch and 18 for the school-based. Each branch has four female members. Venhur Randy Burce is BURABOD ALUMNI president while Henry Velasco Bien is for BURABOD Frontiers.
The BURABOD Alumni members. |
Mountaineering or mountain climbing is sport, hobby or profession of hiking, skiing, and climbing mountains. While mountaineering began as attempts to reach the highest point of unclimbed mountains it has branched into specialisations that address different aspects of the mountain and consists of three areas: rock-craft, snow-craft and skiing, depending on whether the route chosen is over rock, snow or ice. All require experience, athletic ability, and technical knowledge to maintain safety. The UIAA or Union Internationale des Associations d'Alpinisme is the world governing body in mountaineering and climbing, addressing issues like access, medical, mountain protection, safety, youth and ice climbing.
Mountaineering or the sport of climbing mountains is simply one of the finest outdoor opportunities available to the lover of high places. Mountain climbing is all about challenge and perseverance, about putting hands and feet onto rocks and ice and snow and finally reaching a summit. There, high above the world of cities and civilization, the climber can pause and look across a natural world ruled by nature and her raw beauty. The basic equipments needed for mountain climbing are trek shoes, bag, clothes, foods, water, burners, cook set, head lamp, flashlights, knives, ropes, and tent.
BURABOD School-Based Vice-President Jed Francis Decano in grey sweatshirt and ID. |
In an interview with BURABOD SCHOOL-BASED Vice-president Jed Francis Decano, he said that they have a motto that must be strictly obeyed; “Take nothing but pictures, kill nothing but time, leave nothing but foot prints. You should not change the mountains, let the mountains change you.” Decano who is also a 4th year Mechanical Engineering student of BU added that as mountaineers, they too, are advocate of nature. “Mountaineers do not climb just to become fit or to endure. We have different reasons for climbing-to breathe fresh air, to have some peace of mind to appreciate silence offered by nature, or to escape the corporate world. But more than anything else, we mountaineers climb because we love to.”
Same point of view was shares by Venhur Randy Burce though he added some pointers. He said that there are different mounbtaineers depending on their culture, attitude and discipline. Some climb just to have fun and do not have the proper training and knowledge in mountaineering. As a result, nature is desolated and accidents occur. But as a mountaineer, one should have the passion and love for nature that is why you need to make a lot of preparation to be a protector of nature.
They also have this practice to wave the Philippine National flag whenever they’ve reached the top of the mountain they climb. Burce stated that it is an emblem of their respect and a part of showing that we Filipinos could also climb the highest peaks of the world and to conquer ourselves.
Some of the mountains that BURABOD has trekked were Mt. Malinao, Mt. Bulusan, Mt. Pulog, Mt. Masaraga, Mt. Asog, Mt. Mayon, Mt. Taqui, and Mt. Pulag in Benguet.
However, just like any other sports, mountaineering also has its mar and peril. Some of these were fallen branches of trees, landslides, and even wild animals. Another challenge that trekkers face is water source. Water is what keeps mountaineers refreshed and rehydrated. Whenever the stock they have runs out, water supply becomes a dilemma. VP Decano averred in the interview that it is the adventure that makes mountaineers hooked in trekking. No one knows what will happen in every step you take along the way.
Jed Decano advised other mountaineering enthusiasts to be physically fit, mentally alert, and to respect nature all the time. Mountaineering does not just require physique and mind set per se; it also needs courage, perseverance, hard work, dedication, and most of all, passion for the sport. If you love what you are doing, you will enjoy having it as a part of you and your life. All the painstaking will pay off and the happiness you will get is definitely priceless.
BURABOD is expecting to climb more mountains, to explore more terrains, and to share knowledge how to protect nature. The group besides trekking also plans to conduct a feeding program and run for a cause. BURABOD proves to be an organization that is not just vehement on mountaineering alone but in conserving and protecting nature, too. As mountaineers, nature is their fount, partner and second home. Every experience and expedition is a triumph they enjoy with nature.
Burabod Alumni are planning to organize a friendship climb at Mt. Isarog in naga City this coming November to meet other mountaineers not only from the province but from the different parts of the region to share ideas and build camaraderie and rapport. The group also plans to organize an outreach program in remote places this coming December or March next year.
The Burabod Frontiers are focused in school activities like those organized and spearheaded by the University Student Council. They are also in to recruiting members for BURABOD and sharing ideas for the scheduled activities of the org as a whole.
When asked about the promotion of BURABOD and mountaineering itself as a sport, Mr. Decano gave his personal view and perception. “Not everybody can be a mountaineer. You can not recruit everyone. But I can say. Mountaineering is the best sport. It is not that easy to climb but once you’ve reached the top, no matter how hard it is, that’s the time you will have the fulfillment that at last, I've reached it.” According to him, “BURABOD as a mountaineering org has lots of advantages compared to other groups-to be fit, to practice camaraderie, leadership, discipline, respect, and environmental awareness.”
BURABOD Alumni President gave advice to those mountaineering buffs. “3L – lungs, legs and love. One must possess these 3 Ls to become a responsible and good mountaineer. Healthy lungs, strong legs, and love for nature.”
BURABOD is open to all mountain trekkers and enthusiasts who want to join the organization. Those who are interested may contact Carl Decano for school-based at 09267047288 and Venhur Randy Burce for the alumni at 09202673623. They are also available through their facebook account at http://www.facebook.com/groups/152929404774735/.